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Resolution 2009

The following text was developed during the Agenda 21 NOW! conference on 23 April 2009. It was then suggested to the participants as the resolution of this year's conference. The registered participants adopted the resolution by online voting a few days after the end of the conference.

The participants of the Agenda 21 NOW! conference 2009 have decided:

The grade of education one can reach must not be related to wealth. Exchanges between schools from different nations are good to improve language skills. Such exchanges enable students to learn about different cultures and to get into contact with people from all over the world.

The use of modern media (like computers, whiteboards, e-books) is very important, but it does not replace a qualified teacher. Students need to learn how to access new technologies.

We demand governments to invest more money in education.

We demand that more modern foreign languages are taught at schools because making use of foreign languages is essential for a global understanding and exchange of ideas. Native speakers and movies in the foreign language should be used to help the students understand and correctly pronounce the language.

Studying abroad is useful and should be supported.

Children of illegal immigrants should be allowed to receive and finish their education like all other children.

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