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What is Agenda 21 NOW! ?

It was in 1992, when one of UN's world summits took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Most of the countries of the entire world participated in this conference, and 179 of them - what a number! - adopted a paper that could be looked upon as the most important of the many important papers of the world summit 1992.

This paper was called the Agenda 21, which means: This paper is an agenda, a plan for the 21st century. It is not always easy to read, this paper, but we recommend that you at least take a look at the Agenda 21 before the conference.

How can we live sustainably? Can we do things sustainably?

When we developed the idea for this internet conference in late 1998 we thought that the Agenda 21, this plan for the 21st century and its general idea to live sustainably, to be aware of our common future is so good that we decided to let the name of our conference be a call for a sustainable life.

Let us live sustainably!
Let the ideas of the Agenda 21 become reality!
Not next year, not next week, not tomorrow, right NOW!
Agenda 21 NOW!

Do you agree? Since 1992 many people in many corners of the world have tried to let the ideas of the Agenda 21 come true. Have you also tried to? Have you been successful? What problems have there been?

We think it might be interesting to talk about the idea of a sustainable life across all continents, for twenty-four hours, once per year, in an Internet conference.

The next conference - it will be the seventeenth already - will start on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 at 17:00 UTC and then run for exactly 25 (twenty-five) hours until 18 February, 18:00 UTC.
Find out what this is in your local time here.

During all our conferences, a true lot of participants come together, in the past years they came from at least thirty countries on all continents (except Antarctica of course!).

Be with us this time!

Our theme is:

Political and demographice change

in the early 21st century

More about the theme ...

For information on the document Agenda 21 please check our Agenda 21 page here.

Educators please click for further information here.

The making of Agenda 21 NOW! is described in a longer article from 2003, the Agenda 21 NOW! story.

For more detailed information, especially on the former Agenda 21 NOW! conferences since the year 2000, read Former Conferences.

How are we going to discuss during the Internet conference?
It is going to be like in a real conference: A number of conference rooms with different topics will be available for the registered participants. A conference guide with selected material and key questions will be sent to the registered participants approximately one week before the conference. Be ready to answer these questions during the conference when asked by the moderators or other participants!

Who can participate?
Students or groups of students aged 14 or older from all over the world.

How can you participate?
Please register! This is very easy: Click here for registration!
Please note that only registered users can take part in the Agenda 21 NOW! International Internet Conference!

We hope to see you on the net during the conference on 17 February, 2016!

For technical aspects ('What kind of computer do I need? ... ?') please see our Frequently asked questions which also include technical references.

Should you need any further information you have not found yet please contact the team!

(c) Agenda 21 NOW! 1999-2016.
We are not responsible for the content of linked pages.

E-mail to webmaster: webmaster@agenda21now.org

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